Traduzindo Strings

Classe auxiliar para traduzir strings.


/ example string definition (only for understanding the next examples):
$app_strings[‘LBL_EXAMPLE_APP_STR’] = ‘Example Application String’;
$mod_strings[‘LBL_EXAMPLE_MOD_STR’] = ‘Example string for a specified module’;
$mod_strings[‘LBL_EXAMPLE_VARIABLE’] = ‘Example string to use value of {foo}’;
// Using translation for any strings
$text = new LangText(‘LBL_EXAMPLE_APP_STR’);
echo $text;
// Using translation for any strings with replaced strings values
$text = new LangText(‘LBL_EXAMPLE_VARIABLE’, [‘foo’ => ‘bar’]);
echo $text; // output: Example string to use value of bar
// Using translation only for Module Strings
$text = new LangText(‘LBL_EXAMPLE_MOD_STR’, null, LangText::USING_MOD_STRINGS);
echo $text;
// Using translation only for Application Strings
$text = new LangText(‘LBL_EXAMPLE_APP_STR’, null, LangText::USING_APP_STRINGS);
echo $text;